Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Beginning stage of beard

Here are pictures of where I begin.  I highlighted areas of damage in Photoshop.  Some people may consider me an idiot, but I'm not that big of an idiot to do it on my actual face.

The blue areas are completely bald spots where all of the hair has been pulled out.  Some is growing back in the form of whiskers at just about any given time, and when they get any longer they somehow get yanked.  These are areas I can reach with my teeth by basically pushing my face into my mouth with my hand, so they see the most abuse.  This action looks similar to nail biting, by the way, and can be done in public without humiliation. 

The green represents thinned areas.  The upper sides of my mustache are again done with my teeth mostly, but sometimes my fingers pull them out.  The connectors can sometimes grow pretty well, but when my beard gets long like it is now, I start to pull them out with my fingers pretty heavily.  It takes weeks for those areas to grow full, and I can pull out ten in an hour if I'm anxious or have a lack of distractions in my environment, such as watching a movie, driving alone or if my wife falls asleep in the car.  

I found out a year or two ago that trimming my mustache hairs often creates less of a difference between the full areas and the thinned areas.  I learned this after seeing pictures of myself or occasionally catching a glimpse when I first wake up (maybe I forget what to expect?).  Sometimes I pull so many hairs out of my mustache that a full third is missing from one side, and I have to then trim it down to one day whiskers or even shave it off to keep it looking uniform.  In this picture, my mustache is above average, but still needs trimming to look more even.  

1 comment:

Tspreezy said...

I have almost the exact problem too. This was posted over 10 years ago. I'd love to hear about your progress. I'm at my wit's end