Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My First Post - Synopsis of my problem

This is where I begin.  Here's a quick orientation to my beard issues---or better put---lack-of-beard issues.  

The biggest problem areas for pulling out hairs are:

1.) mustache
2.) connectors (in between mustache and beard) 
3.) soul patch (centered directly under my bottom lip).  

I likely pull hair out in all places of my beard, but these areas that have open edges surrounding my mouth tend to be the hardest hit and the easiest to visually change.  

There are two interesting things to understand when looking at the posted pictures of my face. First, I haven't trimmed the edge of my mustache against my lip in years. I somehow bite it in a very straight line. Second, I think I may actually have enough potential connectors to join my mustache to my beard, but I have never given them a chance to shine ever since they started coming in back before I was even 20.  I came very close to this in anticipation of our wedding for the pictures, but still didn't keep them all in.  

After pulling out a hair (different than breaking or cutting hair) it takes about 3 weeks for a hair to reform in the follicle and poke itself out of the skin as a new hair. Given the amount of hair I pull out, there are constantly new ones coming in here and there, but hairs in the the high risk areas don't make it very long in the outside world. 


Anonymous said...

Hey dude! I have the same problem. I felt like what I was reading was exactly what I would type. I don't know how to solve this problem because it's mostly done in my subconcious, like when i daydream or while working; I then catch myself and have to stop, which is very difficult. Asides from shaving the beard ( I look better with stubble so choose to keep it.) I do not know what to do. I think it may have something to do with me being a former tobacco chewer of 7 years. The oral fixation has never subdued. Just letting you know you are not the only one ! At the end of the day though, if this is one of our biggest problems, we're pretty darn lucky!

Anonymous said...


I have the same issue also.
I hope you've found a good way to get yourself out of the habit -
12 Years on, I wonder how you've done?

All the best